Tuesday 24 April 2012

Women who Wear Modest Clothing Practice

As far as we know, modest dress worn by Muslim women for several years. This is a practice consistent with their faith. Variables teachings of different religions, because they impose different rules should dress like men. But can dress modestly and individual choice and it does not matter what their religion or cultural background, because it is not just Muslim women, can do, it is. I think it is important that the day so young, how young people learn to be properly dressed in the world today.

Women who Wear Modest Clothing Practice
You can also request that you wear modest clothing and modest dress. Well, not on dress modestly to show parts of the body, including your breasts or thighs. The dress is considered modest, generous, and if it covers the important parts of the body. The colors are also another factor to consider religious people and for blue, brown, black and white corresponding colors, while the lightest are pink, red and orange are not. But different religions have their own color settings.

Catholic men, for example, expect shorts and sleeves be avoided by women. Orthodox Jewish women should wear a headscarf and was away from clothes that are too tight and show parts of the body such as elbows, knees and arms. Muslim women also practice modest dress by wearing something that covered her entire body except the hands. The faces are covered or not depends on beliefs. But due to the influence of the Western world, modest clothing is gradually taken into account these days.

In the U.S., modest dress is different and a little relaxed. Protestant women should avoid seeing through clothes and skirts above the knee or swimsuits and even men. Pentecostal faith, on the other hand, is never to wear long trousers and jeans and dresses and skirts. Make-up and jewelry are also essential elements of modest clothing.

Ultimately this is why modest clothing for women in the various religions and cultures is imposed, it is humility. There are various reasons why people choose to dress a certain way. Some modest dress for religious reasons, while some that their personal choice. Remember that if you dress modestly, it does not necessarily mean that you compromise on style, because you can limit and yet dignified fashion.

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